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Entity PropertiesMIME4NET Class Library Documentation

The Entity type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBody
Gets the body of this entity.
Public propertyCharset
Determines the MIME character set encoding of this Entity.
Public propertyContentTransferEncoding
Determines the transfer encoding of this Entity.
Public propertyCurrentEncoding
Public propertyHeader
Gets the entity header.
Public propertyIsMultipart
Determines if the MIME type of this Entity is multipart/*. Since multipart-entities must have a boundary parameter in the Content-Type field this method returns false if no boundary exists.
Public propertyMimeType
Determines the MIME type of this Entity. The MIME type is derived by looking at the parent's Content-Type field if no Content-Type field is set for this Entity.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent entity of this entity. Returns null if this is the root entity.
See Also